Advocating for safe children, stable families, and supportive communities
37 West Broad Street, Suite 1100
Columbus, OH 43215 — 614-224-5802

Gov. DeWine salutes children services workforce

To kick off Workforce Development Month, Gov. Mike DeWine released a video recognizing the children services workforce for the critical efforts made in support of Ohio children and families.

Child Welfare Worker Appreciation Week officially runs from Sept. 14-18.

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services will focus on how to better support and recognize the system’s most important asset, the children services workforce. ODJFS plans to highlight children services staff by sharing pictures and stories from the field. Staff photos and caseworker stories about why they do this “heart” work and how they support children and families in their community can be emailed to Chelsea Cordonnier by Sept. 10.

Also this month, the federal Children’s Bureau and the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute are hosting a national recognition event for caseworkers Sept. 15 at 3 p.m. Learn more and register. NCWII has created a tool kit for agencies and workers.

PCSAO has been featuring Profiles of Hope and Courage since the pandemic began to highlight the extraordinary efforts of caseworkers and others in the era of COVID-19.