Looking for contact information for a public children services agency in a particular county?
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Specific concerns about a county children services agency may be submitted directly to the Youth and Family Ombudsmen Office website or by calling toll-free 1-877-649-6884 (1-877-OH-YOUTH). Youth seeking to report concerns to the Youth Ombudsman may submit a complaint form online at that site, while individuals or families seeking to report concerns to the Family Ombudsman may also submit a complaint form online.
To report suspected abuse or neglect of a child, call toll-free 855-OH-CHILD (855-642-4453).
The Youth Navigator Network is available for youth and young adults up to 21 years of age who are currently in out-of-home care, have had an open case with children services within 24 months, or have aged out of care. Learn more, call toll-free 1-833-OHIO-YNN (644-6966), or text 740-639-5252.
Interim Director: Amber Conley